Premature or preterm birth is one of the leading concerns across several regions. There have been several preterm incidences which have been creating major demand for preterm birth diagnostic test kits that help in controlling the prevalence of these cases. According to the facts presented by the World Health Organization, the preterm birth complications that result in the death of nearly 1 million children each year. Such a global scenario has created the demand for preterm birth diagnostic test kits. Furthermore, the demand for cost-effective preterm birth diagnostic test kits in outpatient clinics, hospitals, and diagnostic laboratories has reflected significant growth over time. Home-based preterm birth diagnostic test kits are gaining major popularity owing to ease of application, thereby triggering innovations in the preterm birth diagnostic test kits landscape.
Researchers Mull over Blood Tests: New Preterm Birth Diagnostics Underway
The increasing research and development activities are giving rise to the new and effective preterm birth diagnostic test kits which could simplify the detection of preterm birth risks. A team of researcher from the Stanford University and the Statens Serum Institute in Copenhagen, working on similar lines uncovered new possibilities for this purpose. According to a research study published by the researchers, the age of a developing foetus and the possibilities of pregnant women who are at risk of premature birth could be identified with the help of a test that gathers free-floating RNA, the single-stranded cousin of DNA, present in the mother’s blood. Although research awaits clinical trials, the test offers major potential over the other expensive tests.
Key Strategies Aimed at Boosting Commercialization of Preterm Birth Diagnostic Test Kits
The companies manufacturing preterm birth diagnostic test kits are undertaking several strategic activities to offer effective diagnostic tests. Collaborations and partnerships remain a crucial strategy for the preterm birth diagnostic test kits manufacturers for the purpose of expanding their offerings and marketing their products including preterm birth diagnostic test kits. For instance, BGI had announced its collaboration with the researcher from the Mount Sinai Hospital based in Toronto, with an aim to develop diagnostic test for preterm birth. The two-year long project based on a memorandum signed in 2017 aimed to develop diagnostic test that is based on a gene expression signature to predict and diagnose preterm birth during pregnancy. A similar partnership was recently witnessed between NX Prenatal Inc. and Milu Labs, for commercializing a preterm birth risk test in the Asian market, which is a blood test that helps stratify women with preterm birth risk.
Early Diagnosis and Cost Efficiency Remain Crucial Requirements
Early diagnostics remains a significant factor for minimizing the complications related to health issues. In case of preterm birth, the preterm birth diagnostic test kits that help in early diagnosis are gaining popularity owing to the need to reduce the number of deaths caused by preterm birth diagnostic test kits. Scientists are constantly working towards introducing effective offerings that could cater to these requirements. For instance, the CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology (IMTECH) scientists developed preterm birth diagnostic test kits for carrying out early prediction of premature births to further succeed in the efforts for reducing the child death caused by preterm birth. Called ‘KOMPAL’, this new introduction to the preterm birth diagnostic test kits landscape offers an accuracy of 90 percent at the fifth month of pregnancy. This test kit measures the injury recovering protein present in the plasma, called the gelsolin.
Another test introduced in the preterm birth diagnostic test kits landscape, developed by the scientist at the University of California San Francisco is a cost-effective and affordable test that screens for 25 biomarkers of immune system activation an inflammation and also for the level of proteins that are vital for placenta development.
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